Day 9

January 9, 2014 § Leave a comment

Progress! Making the decision to really get back into my drawings was a good one. I am remembering that I can be working on something for a whole day and it just flies by. I don’t leave the room. I forget to eat. It’s great.

By really getting back into it, I mean drawing for the sake of being proud of what I produce. My last few pieces were straight blueprints. I saw it, I made the final piece how I first saw it. But I’m trying to push myself with this new piece. Instead of the focus being to ‘just get it out of my brain and onto canvas,’ I’m focusing on making a good piece of art.

I normally don’t like sketching. I’m so impatient. But I guess just sticking at it is the best advice anyone’s given me. Most good things in life come down to discipline anyway.

Day 9


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